Front Door

Welcome to collective bread-baking as a
space for creativity, culture(s), and community!

Inspired by the activities of the International Council for Cultural Centers and the Bread Houses around the world, we are working to establish and sustain a Pioneer Valley Bread House – a place where anyone is welcome to share in the creative and nourishing process of bread-baking; a place where bread-making together will be the context of story-telling, music, poetry, and other creative activities through which we can learn from and about one another.

The BREAD methodology is built on the profound connecting simplicity of multiple hands kneading the same dough, and multiple people waiting together for the dough to rise and bake. In the virtual space of this site (and others like it), we are also looking for ways in which this “high-touch” approach, as BHN founder Nadezhda Savova calls it, can speak with high-tech approaches to global connectivity and social justice.

We invite you to browse, to share your stories about bread, your recipes and questions, and, of course, to attend our family friendly Bread House events in the Pioneer Valley. All our events are free and open to everyone!